
If you are a resident of the Ashburn Farm Association (AFA), a home owner’s association located in Ashburn, Virginia, then you are invited to join in a joint or class action lawsuit against the AFA. To join this complaint send your name and address and a note that you would like to join this complaint to If you can, you are also asked to help fund the legal costs but that is not necessary to join in this complaint. Any AFA home owners or residents who wish to join this complaint are welcome.

There is a lot of discussion about restoring our nation by abolishing the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the Department of Homeland Security, or moving to a flat-tax system, but these ideas simply rearrange the federal structure of our government. Problem is, our nation was setup with a bottom-up structure where the power center resides with the people and citizens live with minimal government interference and abolishing the IRS and other agencies or moving to a flat-tax system does not resolve this top-heavy government problem. Such efforts are worthy causes but will not produce results that will last for generations. Also, they focus efforts on issues that require significant political sway, significant time and large-scale resources to resolve. This leaves local patriots with little or nothing to do but to sign petitions written by others. It leaves them wondering: “What can we as local citizens do to restore this nation?”  ANSWER: Start holding local officers accountable, starting with local HOAs.

The American Eagle - a representation of the fierce independence of the American spirit of freedom.This legal effort attempts to alter the Ashburn Farm Association HOA charter, reorganizing it to actively protect and defend our rights rather than quietly allowing their usurpation. Associations have no authority to bind us as sovereign property owners from our freedoms. Thus, most CC&Rs are simple guidelines which HOAs have no authority to enforce. Explicitly defining the legitimate powers of the HOA will show that most of their powers are illegitimate. After all, a community does not become healthy because it is attractive; it becomes attractive because it is healthy. Improve the lives of the residents and the community will become more beautiful because they love their community. HOAs currently attempt to create a civil society using fines and force rather than by being civil. If they are re-chartered without the authority to fine and punish residents, and are explicitly tasked to assist rather than to control residents, they will become examples of leaders rather than overlords.

Restoring power to the people requires people to rescind authority given to various branches of government. A Constitutional convention can do this but such an effort is tremendous and only a few have the resources to reach the audience necessary to make it happen. What then can be done? Local patriots have significant influence over local government and can return them to the right path by re-chartering. Most patriots, such as myself, have little time to be involved in federal politics, little free-time and little political sway. Still, we can reform local institutions such as our HOAs to work on our behalf. We can free up their political influence, resources and money by re-chartering them, recording within their charters the basic freedoms described in our US Constitution and the responsibility to act. Altered charters can clearly define their fundamental purpose of protecting and defending citizens and their rights. Details for how to do this are available within this site along with downloadable resources.

HOAs operate under legal authority which cannot supersede moral authority granted by the U.S. Constitution as civil rights. Yet through CC&Rs HOAs assume authority to control and manipulate residents’ moral authority over private property. Without going to court on a case-by-case basis this re-chartering effort simply redefines HOA authority within their charters, ensuring they understand and follow their constitutional limits. These limits already exist, of course, but have been obfuscated by laws that have come since then. This re-chartering effort clarifies their authority and illuminates limits on government interference with sovereign citizens’ rights.

If a person signs a paper placing themselves into slavery there is no question that the agreement must be considered illegal, and the receiver would have no right to gain or benefit from such an agreement or the severance thereof. Since it is so clear that a person cannot sign away their God-given right of liberty how can they be allowed to sign away their rights to private property as in an HOA agreement? What about the freedom of speech, can that be signed away? Which are rights that can be signed away and which are given by God and cannot be signed away?

We have a great nation with a great history. It is time we scrape off the dirt and the muck, clean ourselves off and act like we care about it and ourselves once again. We need to show the world the American values we have not seen for nearly 70 years. Be involved so you can tell your children you were part of the restoration of our great nation.

“My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.” ― John Wayne

This blog was originally setup as a place where people could discuss rechartering their own HOAs but the complex issues associated with the Ashburn Farm Association have taken all of my spare time; also providing an easier and more effective method for successfully rechartering my local HOA which will make it easier for others to recharter theirs.

Keep your eyes open on this blog as the lawsuit progresses for updates.